Reviewing some shots at Henri's Cloud Nine!
bestlightvideo#BestLightVideo #VideoProduction #Columbus #Ohio #614 #HenrisCloudNine #Dress #Fashion #VideoShoot
Setting up to shoot a press conference at the Ohio Statehouse!
When Steelscape needed upgraded lighting for their plant in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, they turned to @acuitybrandslife. The LED light in this facility is incredible! #BestLightVideo #AcuityBrands #LED #videoproduction #manufacturing #HDR
Ohio's Electric Cooperatives are making energy education accessible to teachers and students across Ohio. Find out more on their YouTube channel! #BestLightVideo #OEC #BEE3Smart #Ohio #videoproduction #Columbus #energy
Our @djiglobal Inspire 1 features the upgraded ZenMuse X5 camera, perfect for capturing high-res photos and crisp 4K video from above! #BestLightVideo #Inspire1 #Columbus #asseenincolumbus #videoproduction #drone #camera